Money is a big focus for most people on hubpages, ( especially in the answers section) but the approaches that people have seem highly divergent. Some love AdSense, and want to make money online, better yet make money today with it, and others look at different streams of income. This is a business, a big business for some, but in business a poor quality will show over time. One might make money to begin with but in the end fail. They have forgotten the rule of hubpages and making money: people.
The Question that this hubber asked was If I write 6 quality hubs a day will I make money with AdSense? Now here in lies the main problem to this question quality versus quantity and hub scores. Yes you will make money at some point, but I question the quality of six hubs written in one day each day.
I believe that they are forgetting the thing about making money online: Traffic, people, and Google. Also there are a few things that they've forgotten about hubpages: hubmetrics, and most important hubscores.
Making Money with Quality Hubs is easy, but writing them fast is not the best way to go. If you want to make money think in terms of Google and Time
Most people want this fast, but often just don't look to the source. TIme.
How many can you really write well?: As many of you know I can only do so much so often. The same goes with writing hubs or writing on a blog or whatever.The key thing here is that some people can write 5 or 6 hubs a day and make them good quality hubs. Some are here to make money, and they need to continue to produce many money producing hubs every day. Others take a different view on hubpages and money.
Some are here to show photos of people places or things. These don't have much writing in them, so they might be quick to make. Still, most of these photo galleries aren't well rated, as in some will do well and some won't. I find the ones which do well also have comments about each photo under them. Again this is a business so the time factor for some better rated hubs is there.
Quantity, in terms of a high number of hubs in a short period of time, can be found in many new hubbers. They will write say five or six hubs a day hoping that they will make money with a lot of hubs. That is the one thing that never works. They have three or four things against them. One they are new, so this makes their hubs look like spam, two they have few fans, so traffic will be poor. Three, honestly can you write say 6 really good hubs in two or three hours?
Hube are not blogs, and they are not websites, they are articles that will be interlinked with one another. That takes time. They also need to get 'searchable'; with Google. This means that the new hubber needs to learn about SEO and traffic and following and commenting. This is a business, and you want to make money online.
I've got some hubs already, so how does this really affect me in terms of money from AdSense and Hubscores?: This is a popular myth. the more hubs you write, the more links you can make, the more traffic between hubs you'll get and the more followers you'll get and the more clicks on ads you'll get. The more money you'll make in one day, the more people will click on your ad impressions...
Well, if you look at your profile or any comments you will find that there is a number on the bottom right hand corner of your avatar, and anything less than a 75, your links will be a no-follow. The more low scoring hubs you write will affect your personal hub score, which in turn affects your ability to make money.
So, yes you could write 6 hubs a day, and they might be good quality hubs, but this still will affect your hub score. The object of the 'money'; game is this; think like a business. AdSense does, and you want to make money and have a low personal hub score? This will not happen, you need to be aware of your scores. If you don't care about anything else care about your hubscore.
There are many ways to raise your score, but writing many low scoring (below 50), or lower scoring (say between 50-60), hubs isn't one of them. You can add links all you like but with a low score you won't get people going to other hubs. ( I believe that they call this a no follow.)That and since you don't have traffic, your AdSense revenue will be low. AdSense does work this way, so hubs with lower traffic won't make as much as hubs with higher traffic. It is a business after all.
- Improving Your HubScore
If you've been trying to figure out how to boost the HubScores of your lower-ranking Hubs, here are some suggestions and advice for making your Hubs perform better. - Ten Ways To Improve Your Hubs, and Make Money Online
Everyone wants to make money these days. Money online, money with google AdSense, money at work. It's a fact of life, we all need money and we all need to be happy. For some they come into the online world... - How To Use Google
How to use google for effective use of the free tools available, a basic overview of using google and what to expect. - I Can't Believe It! I Gave Up and Now! Ten Reasons...
I can hear it now, I give up! hubpages is...(insert whatever) and I didn't make money. I'm so mad. I'll close my account. (and on and on and on) Wait, hold on one minute. If you've given up you can still... - Money 101: Money and Google AdSense
This hub is to those who love my writing and are asking me this: can I make money on AdSense? Better yet is the google AdSense program for me? Can I make my ad sense? (ha ha pun there.) google ads and money... - Making Money With Google Adsense
It seems as though making money with google adsense is the first line of attack for many who wish to make money online. And you can make money with google adsense. I know people here on hubpages who make... - Of Money, Logic and Spock
I love some questions, and this one caught my eye: The writer of said question wrote something along the lines of if they write 50 hubs and get $1 a day from that, logically would this mean that by writing... - I Got PAID This Much Money?? Hold On One Minute!
This is the second hub that relates to money and AdSense. The first hub is : I got paid this much? That's not much! and it is a good hub to read before this one, as it explains the basics. Google AdSense is...
I need to make Money Today!: Really? You do? So does everyone else. Some will make money today, even one penny and some won't. Some will have people buy a book through amazon and some won't.
The point with this one is that for the most part people want to make money, either as a hobby or as a business. At some point you will make money. Now, this does not mean that you should write more hubs, you need to improve on the hubs you already have, look at your profile on it, it lists all of your hubs (under more). Look at each of your hubs scores. Anything with less than a score of 60 is something you need to work on.
Understand the difference between a commercial hub, a how to hub, a hub that is meant for selling, and a hub that is for other purpose (say writing or commentaries) each has its own money potential.
A how to hub, for example will not make much money, whereas a hub which sells specific products will make money through Amazon, Google AdSense and eBay. A how to hub can also be classified as evergreen content, so over time it will probably make money. Possibly not today however.
Set a realistic goal, and understand where your traffic and your money comes from. Writing more hubs will get traffic but without followers, or good content and some basic understanding of keywords and SEO your money will not come.
Do you know the averages to Google AdSense?: I've said this before, if you are one of 25 in one hundred who make more than $100 a month great. If you don't make $100 a month, you are part of a very large number of people, about 75% of publishers on Google AdSense. I have not seen any figures for amazon or eBay but I suspect these numbers are the same.
I also believe the reason for this is a learning some will make money and some will not. The ones who will eventually make money, will write high quality hubs over a period of time. Not several in one day which might or might not get traffic that they need.
Google loves to see high quality links between your sites and other sites. So, if you have broken links this isn't good. If your links are to "very popular" sites, but nothing to that particular hub, this will not help you. Links and content are everything.... except.
If you Have 100 hubs but no followers, or few followers, you won't have traffic and your hubs won't have a high score on that hub or older hubs over time: Hubs are like articles, and this means they are more or less permanent. This means that while you can change the content edit thing, it won't help other people find this hub.
Once a hub is published it is published and an email is sent to your followers that you have published this hub. You have, one chance to make a good impression, get your social networking done, get any links you need done, and all of that. One chance. This doesn't mean you won't get traffic over time, but for the most part people come once, maybe twice.
So, if you want money, you need followers, traffic, comments, and a good hub score, on both your personal hub score and your hub itself. Aim high and you will see success. But in this case Quality and time is much better than Quantity
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