One of the first things you find newbies asking in the forums on HubPages is how they can change the fonts, sizes, colors, backgrounds and all that other stuff that sent you running away from MySpace.
You CAN NOT change any of your colors, fonts or backgrounds on HubPages beyond what is built-in to the capsules controls themselves. It makes for a very standardized look to the site, but it also keeps a certain amount of lollipop-school of design off of HubPages.
Squidoo offers a variety of HTML and CSS options whereby the slightly more savvy web writer can customize the look of their lens. They have way more options for displaying photos, either integrated with text or standalone. They are about to launch a series of new design templates to jazz up the basic look of the site if you don't know any programming. And you can add just about anything that doesn't take any dynamic coding.
My fave: This is really a hard call. On the one hand, I really like being able to bring a unique look to my pages and occasionally high-light an important point. This has been hard to do on HubPages. However, the lollipop design school has been flourishing at Squidoo as of late, and it's caused a lot of lenses to look like utter eyesores. If you want a total custom look and you'd like to stick a few ad banners in there, you'll be much happier with the look of Squidoo.
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