Monday, April 5, 2010

Top 28 Adsense Suggestions to Adsense Product Ideas

Google has started a new Adsense Product Ideas concept where Adsense publishers can share their valuable suggestions to makeAdsense better. All top suggestions will be sent to Adsense product management team for review and they will be implemented on Adsense upon approval. Many Adsense publishers have already shared their suggestions and few of them are worth implementations. I have prepared a list of top Adsense suggestions, have a look on them:
Google Adsense
1. To put a minimum CPC ( cost per click ) as much as 10 cents,  so we don’t see the 1 cent ads as it doesn’t worth appearing in our sites . Everyone is clicking ads is leavingmy site, and 1 cent is not the compensating price for that.
2. put an end to worry about accidental clicks by automatically ignoring any clicks generated from a publisher’s IP address on his/her own site(s).
3. Sometimes I see same ad appearing on the page more than one time. This should be stopped as the ad slot is being wasted with the same ad occupying the useful ad space.
4. Allow publishers to filter out all ads containing specific keywords without having to track down advertisers to add them to the filter list.
5. Adsense should also offer payments via Paypal.
6. Receive an “Adsense Rank” similar to “Page Rank” based on (Quality, CTR, page impressions, etc), if earnings fluctuate and your rating stays the same you know it is the market.
7. Reliable Adsense data in Google Analytics. Today the numbers from Adsense panel don’t exactly match the Adsense numbers in Analytics.
8. Ads offer transparent backgrounds.
9. More efficient and lively Adsense click tracking is needed. Why let third party applications/websites to do this when you could do on your own?
10. Need more ad formats (size)! Tall and wide rectangle size like 300 x 600 or 336 x 600 and wide large rectangle like 468 x 280 or 728 x 250!
11. In the stead of setting just 1 format for the adsense space, we should be able to specify all the formats that could fit into this space. Doing so, we will have more ads for the auction. For example, we could specify 336×280 & 300×250 for one space.
12. Combine text ads with small thumbnail images, something to engage the user. Something fresh and cutting-edge! Text ads seem to be getting stale.
13. Automatically track the url’s generating clicks so that it’s possible to generate specific stats without having to create tens of channels.
14. Clicking on an Adsense ad should open it in a new page. We want visitors to click but not leave the site.
15. Please implement more detailed reports : such as hourly reports, weekly reports, reports by the day of the week and hour of the day for specified time frame.
16. Better communication with account owners before disabling account or site. Not everyone break rules purposely.
17. An indicator that helps to understand if your ads are performing well and not getting fraud clicks or not interested clicks. (A sort of thermometer)
18. A lot of the time there seems to be inappropriate ads on the pages. My ibs website often has ads about Crohn’s disease, 2 totally separate conditions. It would be good to see more focused control of the ads.
19. Allow people to move their Adsense account from one one Gmail account (login) to another. I’m currently stuck logging in and out from two separate Google accounts because I have no way to move Adsense over to my new address.
20. Provide better customer support either by phone, email or both. There’s nothing more frustrating than using a product that is making both you and the owner thousands of dollars a month and not even being able to get a question answered.
21. Strict actions against MFA sites to minimize the number of such sites across theweb.
22. A way for publishers to contact certain advertisers already using Adwords andinvite them to advertise on our site (need only include advertisers relevant to the publishers site).
23. An option to prevent more than (x) number of clicks on the same ad to avoid the frauds.
24. Expand EFT to more countries even more faster.
25. How about an AdSense unit for email newsletters! We send over 1 million emailsper month to opt-in subscribers and could be generating an additional 1-2 million ad views if we have units we could include in email newsletters.
26. I need one more option for alternate ads option (when Adsense is not available) – collapse the whole adsense block
27. Increase the maximum number of allowed ads per page, on larger pages 3 is sometimes not enough.
28. Please start Adsense inline ads also so that we can earn more from our site

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