On HubPages, hubs are ranked based on traffic, clickouts, sales, votes (thumbs up/down), visitor interactions and author reputation. HubPages has said they review content for originality, and duplicate content is automatically ranked down by filters in the system. Based on these shifting factors, each hub will rise and fall throughout the day within a fairly small rank range.
On Squidoo, lenses are ranked in numerical order, with each lens having an overall ranking amongst the entire pool of lenses and a ranking based on the lens category. LensRank comes from traffic, clickouts, sales, votes (stars) and visitor interactions. You absolutely must keep updating your lenses, or at least hitting the publish button from time to time, or you're going to fall in rank.
My fave: The larger Squidoo has gotten, the more exhausting it's been to try and maintain lensrank but literally putting in the effort can help hold that bottom line with the payouts. With HubPages, it doesn't take constant new efforts to maintain a high score and the Author community will still spend as much time arguing about their ideas for the algorithm. If you aren't into constantly updating your web content, you'll probably be happier here.
Further Explorations of HubPages and Squidoo
- HubPages Company Profile
HubPages is the an online publishing ecosystem with user-friendly publishing tools, an author community, and a revenue-maximizing infrastructure. - HubPages Blocked From MySpace MyAds As Too Competitive
MySpace has an embarrassing situation today.... they’ve repeatedly rejected ads from a startup called HubPages as competitive to MySpace, despite the fact that the site isn’t a social network. - More on Squidoo spam (and Hubpages doing a good job?)
Almost on cue to the Squidoo spamming response comes another piece of porn/ringtone-spam... this one leverages not just Squidoo but also Hubpages.
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