This is another question found on the answer section on hubpages, at first this seems like a question where you sort of go, well that's easy... but really it isn't. There are ways yo u can increase traffic and there are ways you shouldn't.
So I'll go into five ( yes, five) ways to improve your traffic. I use these myself, and I will give a couple of examples ( in terms of how to) to you to help you with it. Traffic is a fickle thing, but if you do these thing, the chances that you won't need to worry about each of your hubs as much will greatly increase.
Traffic is the lifeblood to making money, and to getting on the search engines, but also in any business, you need to follow a few "unspoken" rules.
It is all about linking and working things together. Think out side the box and you'll do find with traffic.
Interactivity: This is the foundation to increasing traffic. While I don't suggest the forums, they are a good place for some, I do suggest commenting back on comments made to each of your hubs. Time consuming but worth it.
The other thing is to go to others hubs and comment there. Beyond the usual "great hub" but comment how you like the set up or that you can learn a lot from this person. There is a reason you need to do this. It adds a clean link ( your name) to that person's hub, and if the comment is good, chances are you will get a visit from that person.
But beware, this will give you traffic but very slowly. I know that often it takes a lot of time to respond to others comments on your hubs, but in the beginning when you only have one of two comments, a return comment never hurts, it shows the hubpages community you are here for real.
The biggest thing is to be gracious, and to be willing to take suggestions.
- AdSense and Making Money Online: Quality and Quantit...
Money is a big focus for most people on hubpages, ( especially in the answers section) but the approaches that people have seem highly divergent. Some love AdSense, and want to make money online, better yet... - HubPages or Squidoo?
HubPages and Squidoo are both web sites that pay the user a royalty in exchange for creating content. Learn what is similar and different for building pages and earning royalties with each. - I Got PAID This Much Money?? Hold On One Minute!
This is the second hub that relates to money and AdSense. The first hub is : I got paid this much? That's not much! and it is a good hub to read before this one, as it explains the basics. Google AdSense is... - Fix It 202: My Traffic Is Dying!
This is the advanced version of the ever popular hub Fix It 101. if this hub seems a bit advanced, you'll want to read that hub. Still the ideas are the same, there is no traffic to many of your published... - Increase Your Hub Traffic with Backlinks
I've been on Hubpages for almost a year now, but have just recently really started getting in the weeds about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how to utilize backlinks to increase traffic to your...
Search Engine Traffic: Beyond hubpages traffic this is the SINGLE one that people talk about, getting search engine traffic, from say Google. To this end there seems to be non stop talk about what works and what doesn't. For the most part the one thing that helps search engine traffic, and getting it to you, and your hubs and blogs is: Keywords.
Now, I will probably hear screams of but but> Before you do this, yes you need keywords and yes they need to be in your content, and no never keyword stuff. That is a non-no. This is something you need to learn and spend time with.
And have a bit of luck. These days I can type in my title and be ranked first, but as many will tell you that really isn't a great way to be ranked, so that takes time and....
Links: See this is something people don't seem to value as much as keywords. This is one big way to increase traffic. This does not mean you will make more money, as not all links will do that.
Linking between hubs is a must, and links between hubs of yours is a way to get traffic between your hubs. Think like a business and link between hubs well.
In this case it is the exposure you get from traffic of different sources that give you a chance. For example traffic between hubs tend to improve with links. But traffic begins to increase with links to the various social networking sites: Stumble Upon, and Digg, but that does not mean money.
Traffic from social networking sites might not give you much money, but it gives tou exposure and traffic, and if you want ot make money, you need traffic. Traffic will continue to come and people will continue to comment if you have...
Great Quality Content: In other words know your stuff, as many of my followers can say, I am here to teach, and to learn and often I go and read other hubs to see how they do things better than me.
Content is vital, if you are doing a photo gallery you need some comment under the photos. Understand that the better the content the more traffic you will get int eh end, but not right away. My very first hub I wrote here still gets traffic, but it took time before it really became a traffic hub, see that took time.
The one thing I did to improve the traffic to it was to edit it, fix the mistakes and add a few links to it via other hubs. I also put it on social networking sites and added some amazon and a comment under the photo. Not all in one go but over the course of a week.
Improved the content, and the traffic and commenting was improved as well. Still to get people you need...
Followers: there are about a millions ways to get followers, and some work well and some do not. One thing that has worked for me, is to read their hubs and comment on another writers hubs and then follow them and add fan mail.
Now I also check their hubactivity. You can find this on their profile, directly beside the followers that they have. In other words I go to their profile, and if this person gets a lot of followers, but tend not to comment on their own hubs, or simply follow everyone and then some, or put hub after hub and do not comment, I tend to ask will this person add something as a follower if I follow them?
If it seems that they have a high score and seem to be on hubpages and have a fair decent following chances are they will comment on your hubs at some point. Now they might now follow you but still they might become someone who goes to your hubs often.
Never under estimate the value of going to others and commenting then following.
When the Magic Happens: I would say when the magic happens is when you begin to put all five together, some great content, some interactivity, some links, some comment on others hubs ( to the best of your ability!) and of course, quality quality quality.
Yes, you should go and look at your traffic sources and find which ones you want to focus on and then learn about them. In the end this might not make money, but it will get traffic.
If you want traffic you need to do all five of these points some day. Just remember think like a business: exposure and customer satisfaction. Networking all all that helps, but you need to think long term.
To your success.
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